ICT training for people with disabilities wows Majaliwa

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 09:01 AM May 20 2024
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa
Photo: PMO
Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa

PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has been impressed by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training offered to people with disabilities (PwDs) by the Open University of Tanzania (OUT).

Majaliwa expressed the pleasure on Friday when he visited OUT’s pavilion during the Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology exhibition at the parliament grounds in Dodoma.

 The premier urged the varsity to make efforts to expand ICT training for special groups so that it can reach other parts of the country to benefit more people with disabilities.

 He said that enrolling PwDs in the ICT training programmes helps enhance their participation in lifelong learning benefit from various technological opportunities and thus improve their quality of life. 

 Dr Catherine Mkude, Director of the Institute of Educational and Management Technologies at OUT expressed gratitude to the Minister for Information, Communication and Information Technology Nape Nnauye for inviting the institution to participate in the exhibition.

 Dr Mkude added that the exhibitions have broadened the ICT understanding to people with disabilities, leaders and members of parliament.

 She said during training, PwDs use tools fitted with assistive technology that best suit their needs to enable them to understand well.

 She noted that lifelong learning is important in the era of technological advancement that requires training and re-training for new job skills.

 She noted that providing people with disabilities with proper education makes them independent and able to support themselves and their families.

Dr Nkundwe Mwasaga, Director General of the Information and Communication Technologies Commission (ICTC) said that the exhibitions have widened the opportunities for cooperation between organisations in order to enhance efficiency in delivering ICT services in Tanzania.

The exhibitions aimed at providing various ICT organisations opportunities to showcase their services to leaders and members of parliament.